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Thursday, September 7, 2017

SHRM: Society For Human Resource Management-An Asset in Building Business Knowledge

   (image courtesy of
          SHRM, or otherwise known as the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR professional society, representing 285,000 members in more than 165 countries. According to, "For nearly seven decades, the Society has been the leading provider of resources serving the needs of HR professionals and advancing the practice of human resource management. SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China, India and United Arab Emirates.  It was originally called the American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA).  SHRM has grown and is recognized worldwide as the largest human resource organization that helps develop and serve HR professionals (and business students).  It has been recognized as a global leader of the HR profession.  As their mission statement states on, "SHRM provides education, thought leadership, certification, community and advocacy to enhance the practice of human resource management and the effectiveness of HR professionals in the organizations and communities they serve."

           In 2016, I joined Northwest Florida State College's student chapter of SHRM for many reasons.  As a healthcare management major, I was seeking an organization that would prepare me for entering the business world upon graduation.  With a paid yearly student membership fee of $35 (which usually gets reimbursed from the chapter's funds), it allows me the golden opportunity to network with other students, faculty, and outside professionals.  Essential business techniques such as job resumes, job interview skills, and portfolio building are all explained by experts. Job experience usually is a major prerequisite for many job opportunities, and SHRM students are given first priority and notice when any new internships become available.  Having a SHRM designation on your resume adds value and highlights your business knowledge.  SHRM certifications can be eventually gained through joining the main organization as well.  Recently, I became the new president of SHRM when our former president, Lee Bolton graduated this summer (with a Bachelors of Applied Science in Project Management).  Our SHRM student chapter is constantly looking for new members to join.  Are you one of them? If so, I would be happy to give you more details!  Please contact me at


  1. I just want to let my classmates know that I would love to hear from them in regards to my blog!!! Comments are welcome!

    1. Hello Jennifer! I just want to start off by saying congrats on becoming the new president of SHRM! And since i am pursuing a degree in HR I would be interested in learning more about the SHRM organization... and would be interested in attending those monthly meetings.Feel free to send me an email with more details:)

    2. Alexandra,
      SHRM meets the third Tuesday of every month on the Niceville campus from 4:30-6:00. We are working to get our meeting place put back into Building 360. We are always looking for new members and we are in need of two board members as well. We have guest speakers that address interview techniques and resume writing. SHRM credentials will always help in pursuing a career in management!

  2. Jennifer,
    I believe that sound human resource management is the most valuable asset a business can have; even more valuable than the product they design. Effective communication among its employees ensures that the vision is well received by all. Employees will work more efficiently towards greater product development. Your organization is key to developing our business leaders and will secure a greater future. Keep up the hard work!!!

  3. Lawrence,
    SHRM is an organization that can help students as well as aspiring business professionals become better listeners, communicators, and leaders. I highly promote coming to one of our meetings on campus and understanding the importance of being a SHRM student member. It has a profound effect toward impacting one's future in the business world!
