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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Leadership-Thinking in an Alternative Way

I highly recommend watching this video because it puts leadership in a "grounded perspective" and it will change one's mind on how to get workers to follow your lead!

Entrepreneur Mindset added a new video.

As an Entrepreneur leadership skill is the top most priority. Its absolutely vital one must develop the ability to lead if not their business shall bleed. In this video Simon Sinek explains how.
Speaker: Simon Sinek [ Occupation -->Author, Motivational speaker, Entrepreneur ]
Credit: TED

If you have any questions on how to become involved in leadership activities here at NWFSC or would like information on SHRM or PTK, please contact me at  I would love to hear from you! 


  1. Hello Jennifer!I would like to start off by saying, "how motivating this video was." I loved Simon Sinek's explanation about, "Bob Chapman's Company" and how this man was looking out for the best interest of EACH of his employees... which Simon had previously stated how most employers do not do this. Whereas, most "Authoritative" figures instead take "selfish" like actions in seeking out what's best for their companies... by doing whatever they can to cut labor costs. I believe that Bob's strategy proved to be very effective, which in turn led to high employee moral. I feel that more individuals should be like Bob, and perhaps just maybe this world would be a "kinder" place :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hello Alexandra,
    When I saw this video online, it inspired me to share it with others. Change can occur, however it is dependent upon how one can improve a situation. In this case, Bob Chapman found a way to improve his company using unorthodox solutions. I applaud him for that! I'm glad that this made an impact upon you!

  3. Great video! Thank you for sharing! I love TED talks. I enjoy how seeing things from a different perspective really sparks personal development.

    1. Hello Julie,
      I'm glad I could share a TED talk with the class and inspire others to "look outside the box" at alternative ways to lead!
