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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

My Personal Experience at the NWFSC Student Leadership Retreat

NWFSC Student Leadership Retreat
          On September 22, 2017, I attended Northwest Florida State College's "Student Leadership Retreat."  At the retreat, I learned how to utilize a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test (MBTI) to find differences in personality of others and how to promote this diversity in the workplace.  I met with other student leaders here on campus from Student Government Association, SHRM, Film Club, and Raiderwriters.  All of us seemed to enjoy ourselves, especially with the applied exercises used for impacting the concepts.  The retreat had a guest speaker, Ms. Wanda Walker of District 77 Toastmasters explain the Roberts Rule of Order and how it is used to conduct business meetings.  She emphasized the importance of the use of agendas and we "role played" a mock meeting in how it can be used.  We also had two guest student speakers, Liddi Hampton and Anni Ochs explain the importance of how to "clean up" one's social media account and its importance when seeking employment.  All of us were fed a tasty lunch provided by the culinary department at the college.  For being a free event, it was an educational opportunity about leadership that had much impact.  Leadership is balance of acceptance of others, while maintaining organizational order.  The tools that I learned at this retreat will be more familiar to me once I enter the corporate world.  Overall, my experience was positive, and I would promote these retreats (or seminars) to any student, since leadership is a learned asset in business.
Samuel Hill (SGA Leadership liaison and Student Life specialist) welcoming us to the Student Leadership Retreat.

Jennifer Smalley explaining her leadership roles with Phi Theta Kappa and SHRM organizations at NWFSC.
My table working on a MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Test.
Getting to know all the other student leaders at NWFSC and having fun!
Analyzing scenarios and making leadership decisions.

Photos taken by Andrew Hannah of Student Life at NWFSC.





  1. I had really hoped to make it to this event. I am so glad you did and posted this. It is also great to put a face with Sam Hill's name. I get great emails from him, but have yet to meet him.

  2. Julie,
    I highly recommend that you can attend any of the leadership activities that NWFSC offers to students. Each of them empower and motivate students to become great leaders not only on campus, but in the corporate world as well! Sam Hill is so approachable and helpful if you want any leadership guidance.
    Thanks for your comment!--Jennifer Smalley
